
Animal Rights Petitions

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Stop Canada's 2009 Commercial Seal Hunt [Animal Rights Petitions]

The Right Honourable, Stephen Harper - Prime Minister

Sponsored by: International Fund for Animal Welfare

Canada's annual commercial seal hunt is a cruel and unethical practice that produces a product nobody needs. 98 percent of the animals killed in the past two years have been baby seals between 2 weeks to 3 months old. And despite the potentially devastating effects of global warming to harp seal breeding grounds, the Canadian government has raised the annual seal hunt quotas to the highest levels in history.

Please urge the Canadian Prime Minister to stop the cruelty of the seal hunt!


Animal Rights Petitions 

People for Animals

Ban the Grand National [Animal Rights Petitions]


Numbers of horses

Approximately 18,000 foals are born into the closely-related British and Irish racing industries each year, yet only around 40% go on to race. Those horses who do not make the grade may be slaughtered for meat or repeatedly change hands in a down ward spiral of neglect.

Raced to death
Around 420 horses are raced to death every year the details can be viewed at , if horses have any injuries result to wipping or killing. Horses now commenly have bleeding lungs that can kill horses when they breath in there rib cadge just calapses and they die.

Action points
Sign this petiton that you are not going to bet on horses and the grand national.
Write to your local bookes or betting shop.
Write to your local newspaper.


Animal Rights Petitions 

People for Animals

Military Working Dog 'Dexter' to die.[Animal Rights Petitions]

Message from the Petition Author
Great news.  Dexter is going home to Kathleen Ellison.  Thank you to all who signed.  The power of the pen is indeed mightier than the sword.

God bless you all for caring!
Eureka Morrisonr

Target: Military Working Dog Kennel Supervisor; MA1 Benjamin Cook


It has been estimated that Dexter saved anywhere from 800-1,000 lives in just one incident where he detected explosives.


Animal Rights Petitions 

People for Animals

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Stop EU subsidies to livestock industry

In the last fifty years, in Europe and elsewhere in the developed countries, there has been an exponential growth in the consumption of animal products (meat, fish, eggs, milk and dairy products). These foods are consumed at each meal in every household; quite unlike 50 years ago, when these were rare food items. Today these items cost extremely little, with respect to production costs, often even less than vegetable products, which inevitably require far less raw materials, energy and labor.

This is because farmers and fishermen receive direct and indirect funding both from the state and the European Union; in effect, what we do not pay for at the cash register we pay for in taxes. It is also paid for by those who choose not to buy animal products.

This is all the more serious as the consequences of the high consumption of meat, food and other animal products are greater on the environment, on human health and on the development of poorer countries. It would be justifiable and positive if individual states and the European Community supported and promoted only the consumption of foods that are healthy and have little environmental impact. Instead they do so with foods whose production has a devastating impact... and this is neither acceptable nor justifiable. It is up to us citizens to put an end to this situation and press for a more farsighted, sensible and sustainable policy in this matter, which will protect the environment and human health rather than harm them as it does now.

What we propose is to reverse this self-destructive trend, resulting in the following steps.

1. Put an end to every kind of subsidy for breeding, fishing, crop cultivations intended for farmed animals feed;

2. Charge for the purchase of farmed animals feed;

3. Ensure that the animal products the final consumer buys show their real price, not distorted by subsidies and other facilities granted to the producers and that also includes the environmental cost for the enormous negative impact of breeding (internalization of costs).

4. Put an end to campaigns for the promotion of animal products consumption financed by public money;

5. To support, with subsidies and information campaigns, the consumption of healthy plant-based food, to be less expensive for the final consumer, an easily obtainable result after the withdrawal of the enourmous costs of subsidies to farming and fishing.

We propose in the meantime a petition in support of Point 1 of this series of proposals.

The petition has the purpose to both bring forward this issue with the European Parliament and to raise the matter in various areas, because not enough attention is ever put to how damaging the practice of farming is and how therefore unacceptable it is to finance it with public funding.

Animal Rights Petitions 

People for Animals

Food Vs Feed...Why feed animals for food?

Sign Here

United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon

FAO - Director General Dr. Jacques Diouf
WHO - Director General Dr. Margaret Chan

Launched by:


Dear Mr. Secretary-General,

In 1996, the “Rome Declaration of World Food Security” reaffirmed “the right of everyone to have access to safe and nutritious food“. The signatories also pledged their political will “to eradicate hunger in all countries.”

In 2008, malnutrition and starvation in many parts of the world are not only increasing but are set to reach new peaks of suffering. Dwindling and wasted crops, soaring prices, unsustainable farming practices are just some of the factors which combine to put vulnerable people at life-threatening risks.

It is not acceptable that even in a grim situation with hunger and malnutrition killing nearly six million children each year, huge percentages of available crops are still being fed to farm animals.

In the name of humanity, a responsible global community can no longer afford to invest 7-16 kg of grain or soya beans, up to 15,500 liters of water, and 323 m2 of grazing land in the production of just one kilo of beef for those with the means to pay for it. More accessible and sustainable avenues to secure food for all are desperately needed.

Unfortunately, even though the experts of the FAO consider 'Livestock a major threat to environment', they merely recommend different farming techniques, some of which entail the risk of damaging an already vulnerable environment even more, perhaps beyond repair.

All hungry people, many million of vegetarians and those looking for wholesome alternatives to destructive traditions have the right to expect from decision makers, governments and international bodies a scientific investigation of all available options, including vegetarianism. This resource- and life-saving lifestyle is worthy of unbiased research and promotional effort, not last because of its potential to decide the raging battle of 'food vs feed' in favour of humanity.

For this reason, we appeal to the United Nations and its agencies to stop ignoring vegetarianism and instead study its multi-faceted benefits, with the aim of incorporating them into future strategies for a world without hunger.




  1. Universal Declaration of Human Rights: “Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food …”
  2. Rome Declaration of World Food Security: “We consider it intolerable that more than 800 million people throughout the world, and particularly in developing countries, do not have enough food to meet their basic nutritional needs. This situation is unacceptable.
  3. FAO: Livestock a major threat to environment


  1. Jens Holm: The livestock industry and climate - Over a third of all grain harvested becomes fodder. Is that rational?
  2. Swiss Union for Vegetarianism: The Ecological Consequences of Meat Consumption

Sign this petition!

Animal Rights Petitions 

People for Animals

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Maximum penalty for the men who hacked up a puppy.

Sign Here.

Target: Mackay Magistrate's Court

Hardened police officers have been shocked by the horrifying torture, mutilation and brutal slaying of a seven month old fox terrier puppy near Mackay at the weekend.

If found guilty, they could face up to two years in prison. Police have obtained video footage from a mobile phone which shows graphic images of the puppy yelping and howling in terrible pain as it hacked to pieces with garden shears and a pocked knife.

They said the owners were too distressed to talk to anyone about it.

The pups nose was cut off, its front right leg and rear left leg were cut off and it was decapitated. A three-part video series on a mobile phone shows the dog being tortured.

The maximum penalty under the Animal Care and Protection Act for such an offence is $75,000 or two years in jail; however the maximum penalty ever handed out has been a four month jail term.


Animal Rights Petitions 

People for Animals

Dog Butchered Alive by a University Student

Please sign this petition and forward to others, as this needs urgent attention.

Sign Here
Target: JNU (Jawaharlal Nehru University) & other educational institutions in India.
Sponsored by: Jasmine Grewal

On the 8th of July 2008 at 2 am in the morning an 8 year old female dog was butchered by 1 student from JNU , Yoronso (Ph.d student from JNU's School of Social Science, (Centre for Political Studies)) and his two friends in Room #248 in the Kaveri hostel of JNU (Jawaharlal Nehru University) in New Delhi, India. She was beaten with a cricket bat and a curtain rod for an hour and then they started to cut her open while she was still alive. Due to the noise and blood gushing out from under the door the people in the hostel got alarmed, and the students and wardens intervened. The dog's name was Kali.

In the year 2006 Kali's aging mother Leela had also died under similar circumstances, when the news of the atrocity leaked out she was labeled as an aggressive dog. unfortunately in this world there is no one to speak for these voiceless animals.These are not isolated incidents but periodical events which recurrently take place on JNU Campus when street dogs are mercilessly slaughtered. What is most unfortunate and infuriating is that the authorities are aware of these practices and have yet not taken any action against the miscreants.We want to use this petition to get all institutions across the country to
  • Incorporate laws pertaining to Animal Welfare in their rules and regulations and code of conduct on campuses.

  • Animal abuse should be made a punishable offence by the institution itself.

  • Students should be sensitized about animal welfare during their orientations.

  • The institutions and student bodies should initiate and supervise the ABC program (Animal Birth Control) in and around their campus.

Animal Rights Petitions 

People for Animals

No Military Testing on Animals. Please..

Sign Here

Target: Robert M. Gates, Secretary of Defense
Sponsored by: Care2
The U.S. has one of the most advanced militaries in the world, yet despite the availability of better alternatives, it continues archaic teaching and combat training methods involving brutal treatment of animals.

For example, the Army utilizes live, anesthetized pigs shot with high-powered rifles to simulate battlefield injuries in training their combat medics. And the military's only medical school also uses animals in its curriculum, despite the fact that the majority of all U.S. medical schools no longer require live animal labs.

Such animal suffering is unnecessary. Simulation systems can be used, making the use of animals in medical instruction obsolete. Prestigious medical schools such as Harvard, NYU and Case Western Reserve stopped requiring live animal labs in the training of future physicians, why hasn't the U.S. military?

Urge the Secretary of Defense and our military to adopt humane education and training policies that do not involve the suffering and death of animals. Proven alternatives are widely available!

Animal Rights Petitions 

People for Animals

Friday, November 7, 2008

Ban Cruel Horse Carts

Sign Here

Sponsored by: PETA

If the summer heat has left you hot, tired and sweaty, just imagine what it's like for horses who are forced to pull carts on the crowded streets of Mumbai in the sweltering heat. These horses live a miserable life. They must dodge cars, taxis and bicycles, and it is not unusual for horses to suffer from untreated injuries. Most horses never see a veterinarian in their lifetime.

In a letter to Mumbai's Office of the Collector, actor John Abraham points out that horses who are used to haul heavy loads are worked far past the point of exhaustion. When they are too worn out to continue, horses often collapse and are repeatedly whipped in an effort to get them back on their feet. Horses are overloaded far beyond the legal limit, and they are frequently denied adequate rest, food and water.

When food and water are provided at all, PETA investigators have often found that the feed is unwholesome and that the drinking water is dirty. Stables are often damp, filthy, and filled with flies and other biting insects. Many horses are left to stand without shade amid their own faeces and urine.

You Can Help
This cruel industry must be banned. Please join John by asking the Office of the Collector to ban the use of horses for pulling victorias, tongas and carts in Mumbai.

Animal Rights Petitions 

People for Animals

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Stop the Shut Down of "Mother's Heart" NGO

Sign Here.

Mother's Heart is an NGO based in Kolkata, India which has been campaigning the cause of supporting, rescuing and healing stray animals.
The Municipality has called for a shut-down notice of the NGO: because the barking dogs cause "noise pollution" despite the court issuing a stay order granting Mother's Heart some time to vacate the premises and relocate the dogs to another property they are trying to buy.
This is a little effort from our side to save the lives of many stray dogs on the streets, as well as over 50 dogs which have been adopted by the NGO,and are at the Mother's Heart dog care which is up for closure.
You must appreciate that Mother's Heart is taking the stray animals off the streets and localities, where the diseases, infection and population of the animals would increase at a much higher rate, and would thereby cause more trouble. There are over hundred dogs (pets and stray) who are brought in for treatment, cared for and nurtured for at Mother's Heart every month.
It is cruel to shut down this organization, giving whimsical reasons such as "noise pollution" and "dirtying the drains".
the local councillor has told the NGO that they have to shut down in FIVE days time and the dogs can be released on the roads or they should be put down.

raise your voice. write to in protest.
Or at least sign this petition

We request the municipality to expand their thought horizon and not make these many animals homeless. The least the municipality can do is extend the imposed deadline for closure.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Stop Slaughter Of Pigs and Piglets

Sign Here

Target: Hormel Foods
Sponsored by: PETA
For more than three months, PETA went undercover at an Iowa pig factory farm, which supplies piglets who are raised and killed for Hormel products.

PETA found rampant cruelty to animals - committed by workers and supervisors. The farm changed ownership and management during PETA's investigation, but that made no difference to the animals who were born and confined there: Abuse and neglect were widespread during PETA's entire investigation.

Abuses were brutal and widespread, including beating and kicking the animals for no reason and jabbing at the animals' eyes and faces.

By purchasing pigs bred and born on this farm and then grown elsewhere before being slaughtered for Hormel products, Hormel is financially supporting an operation whose employees abuse animals.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Ban Cow Slaughter!!

Sign Here

"...India has had a rapid rise in slaughter houses of cows from about 350 to 36,000 in span of thirty years.This is the official number.Don't know what is the unofficial number.........Right now, there are 36,000 slaughterhouses (official number), of which 10 are highly automated, where daily 250,000 animals are hacked.At this time the population of buffalos in the country is only 75 millions, and cows 200 millions. Alkabir alone is licensed to kill 600,000 a year, but Deonar (Mumbai) is licensed to kill 2,500,000 a year, in addition to 120,000 cows and 60,000 buffalos. Kolkata located slaughterhouse kills 1,200,000 cows and buffalos per year. These are just official numbers for a few large facilities......"

Animal Rights Petitions 

People for Animals

Stop Dog Chaining

Sign Here

Animal Rights Petitions 

People for Animals

End Alaska's Aerial Hunting Program!

Congress passed a law thirty five years ago to put an end to aerial hunting. But Alaska is exploiting a loophole in federal law to resume the practice, not only for wolves, but bears as well. Hundreds of scientists have condemned what Alaska is doing, even as other states threaten to follow Alaska's lead. It's time to stop aerial hunting once and for all.

Sign Here

Animal Rights Petitions 

People for Animals

Friday, October 24, 2008

Thank you!!

Thankyou for the support!!

Thank you all whoever signed the Petition and even those who took the time to read it atleast. The petition has been forwarded to the Chinese Embassy and would soon see some effect on the cruelty to animals not only in china but world over.

Hope to see your support on other petitions as well.

News And Info On Animals

Animal Rights Petitions 

People for Animals

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Horrific Murder Of Street Dog In Delhi

Sign Here


Saturday, July 19, 2008

Protest Against Animal Trade & Cruelty

Link to Petition Sign Page

In many fields of commercial animal husbandry, China is among the poorest performers in the world: the largest producer of rabbit meat, the market leader in breeding animals for fur, and the world's second-biggest poultry producer; it also accounts for half of global egg and pork production. This causes unspeakable animal suffering due to the lack of animal welfare standards in China.

Investments from big companies are partly responsible for this cruel trade as a large amount of Chinese goods are produced for export to other countries.

The majority of consumers abhor cruelty to animals. In many European countries minimum legal standards protect animals against violence and cruelty. But animal products are increasingly imported from countries, where they have been produced under the most appalling circumstances.

Join our protest against this cruel trade and appeal for animal welfare standards in the European trade!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Say No to Cruelty to Animals in China

LINK : Sign Here


We, the undersigned, wish to express our deep concern about widespread animal suffering in China. We are particularly concerned about the deplorable conditions in zoos exposed by recent investigations, the practice of live feeding of animals in zoos and the plight of dogs killed for meat.

We welcome the moves that China has made to protect endangered wildlife and respectfully request the introduction of general animal protection legislation to prevent cruelty to all animals. Recent surveys show that most of the Chinese people are concerned about the welfare of sentient animals and strongly in favour of such legislation. Creating a law offering some protection to animals would be widely welcomed by the international community and help consolidate China’s position among leading nations.


The Undersigned


Polar Bears Need REAL Help, Not Empty Listing


Interior Secretary Dirk Kempthorne
Sponsored by: Defenders of Wildlife

The Bush/Cheney Administration has just listed the polar bear as threatened under the Endangered Species Act (ESA), after four months of delays. Unfortunately, it could be an empty gesture, lacking in any meaningful protections for polar bears.

With this listing, the administration has failed to:

  • designate critical habitat for polar bears;
  • stop destructive oil drilling in prime polar bear habitat;
  • require specific steps to be taken to address global warming and its disastrous effect on Arctic sea ice and polar bears' survival.

In fact, Interior Secretary Kempthorne made clear that the listing should not be used to address global warming or habitat loss -- the two main factors contributing to the decline of polar bears in the U.S.

This week's listing is already coming at the eleventh hour for polar bears -- these majestic bears can't wait for another administration. Demand REAL protections with a meaningful ESA listing for America's polar bears! (Learn more about this listing.)



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Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Help me save the turtles

Hi ,

I've just written to Ratan Tata asking him to not to go ahead with building a port in Dhamra, Orissa, dangerously close to one of the world's largest sea turtle nesting grounds for the Olive Ridley Sea Turtle. I think its a good idea for Mr. Tata to move the port to another location rather than endanger the turtles.

By living up to the Tatas' environmental legacy, Ratan won't just save the highly-endangered Olive Ridley Turtles, he will also end up making Tata a better company.

The only problem is that I can't bring about that change alone. I need help from lots of people, especially you.

Please do what I've done. Write directly to Ratan by clicking here

Thanks a million,

[People For Animals] Dog Nutrition Tips

If you would like to gradually improve your canine companion’s diet but are not quite ready to cook a doggie stew every few days, here are a few easy changes to make.

Water: One of the easiest things to change is your dog’s water supply. Author Pat Lazarus strongly recommends buying a water filter to attach to your faucet.

Veggies and Fruits: These should equal one-third of the daily diet. Use raw or cooked veggies: beans, split peas, lentils, carrots, zucchini, and broccoli are good. Add raw, cut-up fruit occasionally. Organic, unsprayed produce is best.

Garlic: Garlic is used widely for animals with various conditions. It can help build the immune system and is a good flea and worm repellent, but it may cause anemia if given for long periods of time. Adding a crushed clove of garlic to your dog’s food every day is appropriate.

Dairy: Raw eggs and cottage cheese. Other possible additions are yogurt and cheddar-type cheese. All provide protein and iron.

Grains: Cooked grains should equal one-third of a dog’s diet. A few appropriate choices are barley, brown rice, buckwheat, oatmeal, cornmeal and, even, crumbled whole wheat bread. These provide carbohydrates.

Vitamins: Lazarus would add more of vitamins C and E to a general multiple supplement. In fact, many dog specialists recommend additional vitamin C. Vitamin B is also vital for a healthy immune system and can be found in brewer’s yeast, another possible daily additive. However, adding arbitrary supplements of vitamins or minerals is generally not recommended without consulting your veterinarian.

Oil: Many veterinarians and breeders recommend a tablespoon or two a day of vegetable or canola oil, especially for a dry coat or skin. However, oil may add calories.

Animal Rights Petitions 

People for Animals

Protect Pets from Toxins


A recent study found that American pets suffer from significantly more contamination from synthetic industrial chemicals than people. Our homes are permeated by untested chemical compounds that pets absorb through their grooming habits and proximity to household furnishings.

Dogs were contaminated with 35 chemicals, including carcinogens and neurotoxins. Cats were contaminated 46 chemicals, including carcinogens, neurotoxins, and chemicals toxic to the endocrine system.

The potential result is higher incidence of health problems, for example cancer in dogs and hyperthyroidism in cats. Worse yet, the risks faced by pets are shared by humans too, especially the most vulnerable. Infants and toddlers play close to the floor and put household objects in their mouths, and in the process they are exposed to the same dangers as pets.

We need a new system of public health protections in which companies have to prove chemicals are safe before they are sold. Not only would it help protect our pets, but ourselves as well. Act today!

Red Knot Under Threat


The red knot sandpiper is in danger of extinction.
A new report by the world's leading shorebird biologists confirms a 90 percent decline in the bird's population over the past ten years, leading scientists to predict that the red knot may become extinct as soon as 2010.

The red knot can fly extraordinary distances. On a wingspan of 20 inches, red knots can fly over 9,300 miles from the Arctic Circle to as far as Tierra del Fuego, South America, making this bird one of the longest-distance migrants in the animal kingdom.

Historically, more than 100,000 red knots stopped at Delaware Bay -- one of the most important migratory bird stopovers in the world -- to feast on horseshoe crab eggs each spring, to help power the final leg of their long flight. But because of a overharvest of horseshoe crabs over the past 15 years, supplies of horseshoe crab eggs have greatly diminished as have knot and other shorebird populations that also feed on horseshoe crab eggs.

Because of the red knot's highly precarious situation, it needs immediate protection under the U.S. Endangered Species Act.

Stop Sea Lion Killing Plan

LINK: Sign Petition

The National Marine Fisheries Service recently authorized the killing of up to 85 federally protected sea lions this year at the Bonneville Dam on the Columbia River in Oregon.

Federal and state officials claim they have to kill sea lions to protect endangered salmon. But sea lions are not the main threat to endangered salmon on the Columbia river - dams, habitat loss and humans are.

Consider the facts:
  • Sea lions kill between 0.4% and 4.2% of salmon and steelhead returning to the Columbia River each year;
  • Federal dams on the Snake River kill over 15% of returning steelhead and salmon adults each year;
  • Oregon and Washington states, which requested permission to kill sea lions, proposed increasing fishing quotas from 9% to 12% of the 2008 salmon run.
A federal judge is set to rule on this plan on May 8th, and until then no sea lions may be killed. Yet six federally protected sea lions were just found shot to death on the Columbia River at Bonneville Dam. Make sure no more sea lions die - tell NMFS to abandon its plan to allow killing of sea lions on the Columbia River!

Ban Deadly Pesticides that Kill Wildlife

LINK: Petition

Compound 1080 and sodium cyanide are deadly poisons that are currently used to kill predators. These poisons are indiscriminate, cause extreme suffering before death, and threaten endangered species, pets, children, and anyone who happens to come in contact with them.

Compound 1080 is one of the most deadly poisons in the world. It is highly toxic in small doses and is deadly to humans, wildlife and pets, and there is no known antidote. The EPA banned compound 1080 in 1972, but intense lobbying by the livestock industry led to its re-approval for use in predator control programs in 1985.

It's time for our government to approach wildlife management in a humane and intelligent way. There is no need to use deadly poisons to "control" predators. Rep. Peter DeFazio (D-OR) has introduced legislation to ban these toxic chemicals - please urge your representative in Congress to support H.B. 4775, the Compound 1080 and M-44 Elimination Act, today!

Pledge to Eat Conscientiously, for Animals and the Planet

LINK: Petition

Target: YOU!
Sponsored by: Care2

One of the best things you can do for the environment and for the planet is to become vegetarian, eat less meat or pay more attention to where your meat comes from.

Due to the way meat is processed and transported, the meat industry accounts for more pollution than the entire transportation industry! If you think cars and planes are bad, take a deeper look into the meat industry.

Animal agriculture not only produces carbon dioxide, but also methane and nitrous oxide emissions. Those three are the toxic cocktail that causes global warming.

Eating 1 pound of meat emits the same amount of greenhouse pollution as driving a hummer 40 miles!

As if that wasn't a good enough reason, there are many issues about the treatment of farm animals in factory farms, who are crammed into tiny cages and subjected to horrifying lives.

Stop Montana's Shameful Bison Slaughter!


Target: Montana Promotion Division
Sponsored by: Defenders of Wildlife

America's last free-roaming wild bison are a powerful reminder of the great American West. But they are being slaughtered on a scale not seen since the 1800s, and hundreds more are slated to be killed.

This year alone, more than 1,300 bison have been needlessly killed -- more than a quarter of the park's population. State and federal officials kill these majestic animals when they leave the borders of Yellowstone National Park for fear that the animals will spread brucellosis to cattle -- even though there has never been a single case of a buffalo in the wild spreading the disease to cattle.

This is no way to manage one of the icons of the American West... especially in a state that prides itself as a destination for wildlife-seeking tourists.

Ensure That Animal Cruelty is Treated as a Serious Crime

Target: U.S. Senate
Sponsored by: American Humane Association
The Tracking Animal Cruelty Crimes Act of 2007 would require the FBI to add animal cruelty as a separate category in its crime data reporting system.

The link between animal cruelty and other forms of societal violence is a national concern. The practice of dogfighting perfectly illustrates this connection, as it is almost always linked to illegal drug and weapons violations, gambling, aggravated assault and gang violence.

When local and state police agencies report animal cruelty incidents to the FBI, they are labeled "other offenses." This makes it nearly impossible to access and respond to even the most basic information about animal cruelty crimes and their perpetrators.

U.S. Sen. Robert Menendez (D-NJ) has introduced the Tracking Animal Cruelty Crimes Act of 2007, which would require the FBI to add animal cruelty as a separate category in its National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS).

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Urge Congress to Permanently Protect the Arctic Refuge!

U.S. House of Representatives
Sponsored by: Care2
The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge is home to caribou, snow fox and millions of migratory birds. It is also the most important onshore denning habitat for America's vanishing polar bears.

But this natural treasure is constantly under siege. Time and time again, the oil industry and their allies in Congress have sought to open this special place to harmful new drilling, threatening all of the wildlife that depend on it for survival.

And now President Bush has called for drilling in the Arctic Refuge by 2010 in his new budget proposal!

We need to permanently protect the Arctic Refuge! Urge your Representative to support the Udall-Eisenhower Arctic Wilderness Act (H.R. 39) to permanently protect the coastal plain of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.

Stop The Seal Hunt

Stephen Harper, Prime Minister and Michael Wilson, Ambassador to the United States
Sponsored by: International Fund for Animal Welfare
This year the Canadian government promised a more humane hunt. They said "Canada's seal hunt is humane, sustainable and responsible." They lied.

IFAW Hunt Observers were on the ground and in the air documenting the hunt since it opened on the 28th of March. Only days into the hunt they captured on camera instances where animals were shot and clearly left to suffer. They witnessed live seals hooked and dragged across the ice. And in one of the more disturbing moments they watched as a sealer wrote an expletive on the ice while a recently clubbed seal behind him started to move...obviously still alive.

Is this the Canadian government's idea of a more humane hunt? Please urge the Canadian Prime Minister and Canadian Ambassador to end the cruelty of the seal hunt. Take action today

Condemn the "Greatest Show on Earth"


Target: Steve Koonin, President of TNT
Sponsored by: ASPCA

An upcoming TV series, "Greatest Show on Earth", promises a "behind-the-scenes" look at the legendary Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus. But the real story is that Circus staff regularly abuse and torment performing elephants with bull hooks, chains and other devices.

The abuse of Ringling Bros. circus elephants -- well documented by animal welfare organizations, state humane agencies, and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) inspectors -- violates both the federal Endangered Species Act and the Animal Welfare Act, which prohibit the abuse of endangered animals used in entertainment.

Many have witnessed routine violent abuse and cruelty toward the elephants, including frequently hitting the elephants with bull hooks, rubbing dirt into sores of elephants to conceal their wounds, and routinely chaining the elephants on concrete or in cramped rail cars for many hours of every day and night.

This kind of cruelty is not entertainment -- contact TNT and urge them to cancel the "Greatest Show on Earth" series.

Bears Need Our Help! Pass the Bear Protection Act of 2008


U.S. House of Representatives
Sponsored by: World Society for the Protection of Animals
Each year wild bears are killed so that their parts can be sold in Traditional Asian Medicine (TAM) shops in the United States and internationally. In a recent undercover investigation, the World Society for the Protection of Animals found that the trade in intact gallbladders had actually increased since their previous investigation in 2000.

Unfortunately, state laws pertaining to the trade in bear parts are inconsistent and, in some cases, non-existent. The solution is clear: a unifying federal law is the only viable solution for bears! U.S. Representative Raul Grijalva (D-AZ) recently introduced H.R. 5534, the Bear Protection Act of 2008, to protect North American bears. The Act specifically bans the import, export and interstate trade of all bear parts and products, while closing loopholes in existing state laws.

Stop Puppy Mills in Pennsylvania

Target: Pennsylvania House of Representatives
Sponsored by: ASPCA

The poor treatment and abysmal conditions of dogs in Pennsylvania's puppy mills is already well documented, but a bill to amend the Pennsylvania Dog Law will soon be introduced in the state's House of Representatives.

Passage of this bill is vital if Pennsylvania is to improve conditions for dogs kept in commercial kennels and put an end to the state's reputation as the "puppy mill capital of the East." The bill would require:

  • Doubling the cage space.
  • Veterinarian visits at least once per year and with each pregnancy.
  • Access to outdoor exercise areas.
  • And many more provisions for the health and well-being of dogs.

Sign the petition and urge the Pennsylvania House of Representatives to reform the Dog Law. The dogs have suffered long enough!

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Do Online Petitions Work?

Does Signing a Petition helps the targetted in any form?
There has always been a confusion that do the petitions we sign actually help the targetted benificiary or not.
A petition, be it online or written can be used in the parliament to pass a bill if it reaches a particular number; so signing petitions is not a waste at all. That is, the more the people sign the petition the more popular it becomes and thus can make a difference to the targetted by compelling the related authorities to take an action.But for this, someone must take a hard copy of the entire petition and approach a local political party or file legally for a BILL.
Petitions are also used as solid evidence in courts and can help in chnaging the judgement or influence it atleast.
Many a petitions have already worked wonders..
So keep signing petitions and forward it to all you know to make it more popular and thus a successful petition!!
There is a simple way to find petitions by yourself
Use google's CSE for petitions, search by keywords like 'Animal Cruelty In China'

Friday, March 28, 2008

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Save Animals In Kerala

plz sign this petition it is aginst the barbaric killing of stray dogs,rabbits,Turtles(olive-ridleys) in kerala ...plz send it to max. friends

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Stop Fur Trade

Special One Place Contribution : Thanks to

Stop the Cruel Seal Hunt

The Largest Slaughter of Marine Mammals on Earth
Canada's Seal Hunt: Cruel and Unnecessary

Take Action to End the Seal Hunt (click on the link below)

It is during spring time when seals only two weeks to three months old are also mercilessly slaughtered for their pelts.

Source: All Petitions, PFA Community on Orkut

Stop Pet Masscare

Help The Staving Dog

Save Tigers In Egypt

Korea/ China

These countries have no mercy for animals whatsoever. These people EAT anything that moves. DOGS are kept in tiny cages, chucked into it as though they have no life or no feelings. The dogs are thrown into hot water tubs and slaughtered.

Zoo's in Japan/China have become entertainment centres for humans. This where they get to ride in big vans and troopers while an animal (cows,chickens) are thrown onto a confined field where lions and tigers are free to brutally attack these innocent animals.
You may say this is the food chain but this is not nature, These animals are not given the chance to run for their lives just like in the natural environment.

Sign The Petition: