
Animal Rights Petitions

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Save Animals In Kerala

plz sign this petition it is aginst the barbaric killing of stray dogs,rabbits,Turtles(olive-ridleys) in kerala ...plz send it to max. friends


  1. I live in kerala and am a dog lover.. and just yesterday, a small female dog playfully ran after some woman's son and the very next day she orders for a guy who kills stray dogs in a very ruthless manner..
    He wud take a moderatly thick metal wire and just collered the dog and just hung the dog up by the neck over a iron gate.. the dog was struggling and screaming for its life and finally lost its life..
    Where is the humanity in this fucking place known as "God's Own Country"??

  2. u can go to the nearest police station and get a case registered for the same.. as this is a severe offence and is inhuman.

    get in touch with ur nearest active ngo which works for animals, and they will help u with the case.

    if u dont want to take any action then u still can work independently or with the ngos to spread the word against animal cruelty and create love among the people for poor animals.
    u may visit our other blog and website for other information.
    although not been updated for long now, m looking forward to keep it up to date in the near future.
    thnx for srching and commenting, but this most worth when u take some desired action for the same.
    thnk u

    god bless u.



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