I just signed an urgent petition to European decision−makers urging them to adopt ambitious standards for energy efficiency in major electrical appliances like TVs, fridges and boilers.
This is important: strong rules will reduce the EU's contribution to climate change by driving manufacturers to produce a new−wave of efficient and clean products, while setting a strong benchmark for other producers around the world to follow.
The petition will be delivered to decision makers by global online advocacy group Avaaz.org in a joint event with Friends of the Earth Europe and Natuur en Milieu, on March 12th. I thought you might like to join me in taking this critical action, please click on the link or read the email below to learn more and to join our call:
Dear friends,
This week, European regulators will start setting new efficiency standards for fridges, TVs, and other products. Strong rules could massively cut Europe's climate pollution, but industrial lobbyists are pushing to weaken the proposals.
We've received an unusual message: a video sent back in time from the future ... by a talking fridge named "Coldy." Click the link to watch the video and take action now:
Green technology already exists that would dramatically improve the fridges, TVs, washing machines, and other products that each of us use. Strong green standards, according to expert studies, could have a huge climate impact−−greater than taking two thirds of Europe's cars off the road. And these standards would reduce our energy bills by tens of billions of Euros per year.
But the most−polluting companies want to sell dirty products cheaply, and avoid green investment. It's up to us to make sure EU negotiators hear the clear voice of thousands of citizens across Europe −− and not just the voices of the vested interests. Click below to watch the video and sign the petition −− it will be delivered to negotiators this Thursday:
With hope,
Ben, Luis, Iain, Graziela, Paula, Alice, Milena, Ricken, Brett, Pascal, Paul, Veronique, and the entire Avaaz team
1. For more information, updates and policy briefs on the European Eco−design policy process )including the studies and draft legislation on the products covered by this policy, such as TVs, fridges, and lightbulbs(, see this site by the NGO coalition ECOS, Greenpeace Europe, WWF−EPO and other leading environmental organizations:
2. Last week, more than 100,000 Avaaz members joined the global call for a truth commission to investigate human rights abuses in Bush's war on terror. Avaaz hand−delivered the signatures to the Senate committee and spoke to key U.S. leaders. Click to see photos and a full report:
3. On Thursday, Avaaz members will deliver the petition in Brussels with a stunt organized by Friends of the Earth Europe and Natuur en Milieu. For more information, check http://www.avaaz.org/blog/en later this week!
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Animal Rights Petitions
People for Animals
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